WEB.LOG. Dictionary.com makes words make sense. And, now that I understand, I don't know what to do. Sorry, b_t in my ignorance I was looking for freedom. Freedom to whine, love, laugh, scream, trust, -- freedom to do whatever I want.
B_t nope, its not the 4th of _ uly, its still August 21st and censors entangle my fingers like vines. My Dell is nearing the end: the 'u' mbrella' and the 'j' ackass have been replaced with underscores, and the right arrow won't act right.
Damn, freedom is half of what it used to be. Cheers to a new democracy. Dictators are dicks, and yo know we f_ck up and s_ck up dicks over here. We have no president, all we have is each other -- everyone is uniquely homogeneous driving their Prius down the yellow brick road.
Take a left and welcome to a town of Secrets. Where we're all Jekyll during the week and Hyde on weekends. Where even the truth is a lie. Drum roll. Today's truth is... I can't stand it when yo turn the gravity off! Yo know I hate coming down to Earth. Yo owe me a first-class trip to the galaxies, so we can sip mango nectar in the hammocks all day. Remember that?
Of course you don't. B_t, I love you anyways. I _ _ st got a new spaceship. You want a ride? I'll be by August 2009 in like 30 minutes. I know, honey, it normally takes 15, but there was an accident, traffic was backed up for light years... must be the meteors. Oh, don't like that one--? My engine overheated, the cops pulled me over, I had to stop to get gas. I got a million and one of them; truth,excuse, who can tell.
Who, b_t me?
I knew his song by heart. I sang it A Capella in the 3rd grade. His words lie, my words love. He wants power, b_t I'm already in control. So we tongue wrestle. I let him win, and then I get on top and we win at the same time.
I love how your genius feels against my innocence. Yo know what, I like yo Mr. Company, for you've got better parts than me. Is your first name Good? I had one who thought he was Great before, b_t he was Disappointment in disguise. Oh, dear. Did I loose yo? Good, because I lost myself, b_t it's ok, we're at the best part. I found you-- or shall I say you found me. And now that your here- please, don't leave.
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